Mining Justice and Extractivism

Mining Justice and Extractivism

Mining Justice and Extractivism
  • Sweet Crude
    Movie + 2 extras

    Sweet Crude

    Movie + 2 extras

    Directed by Sandy Cioffi ∙ 2009 ∙ USA ∙ 93'

    Beginning with the filmmaker’s initial trip to document the building of a library in a remote village, SWEET CRUDE is a journey of multilayered revelation and ever-deepening questions. It’s about one place in one moment, with themes that echo many plac...

  • Crude Gold: The Case of Eco Oro


    Directed by Monica Gutierrez ∙ 2015 ∙ Colombia ∙ 9'

    Colombia's Santurban Páramo has become an example of a successful community struggle to protect water sources. Lawyers, community leaders and activists united to mobilize and demand the protection of natural resources threatened by Vancouver-b...

  • Crude Gold: Gran Colombia Gold


    Directed by Monica Gutierrez ∙ 2015 ∙ Colombia - Canada ∙ 10'

    The story of how gold producer Gran Colombia Gold came to be formed is the story of abuses of power against a worker's union as the rightful owner of the mine. The story takes place in Segovia, a town in Colombia's mountainous state ...

  • In the Shadow of a Gold Mine


    Directed by Zahra Moloo ∙ 2014 ∙ Kenya ∙ 15'

    Tanzania is one of the largest gold producers in Africa, with multinational mining companies from London, Dubai and Toronto operating all across the country. But as these companies turn greater profits and Tanzania becomes a major investment destinat...